Mark Watson Media

 Public Speaking


Outspoken and unafraid to challenge the establishment, Mark for ten years carved out a niche as one of New Zealand's sporting media’s, most popular and polarising figures.

His strong opinions and outspoken views on Radio Sport and Newstalk ZB were always honest and derived from his vast life experiences in sport, from having been a semi- professional athlete to consulting and working with Olympic champions. Mark has gone onto become an accomplished public speaker with rave reviews from those who have heard him.

Usain Bolt 100 metres olympic final
Mark Watson vs Jesse Ryder boxing

He will take you on his own personal journey of how he fulfilled his child hood dream of representing New Zealand in his chosen sport as well as competing at three Hawaiian Ironman World Championships before going on to become an Olympic Games Commentator. He will share his experiences of being a commentator at three Olympic Games and provide you and your team with some wonderful anecdotes as well as shedding light on the following;

The pressures of calling an Olympic Games 100 meter final.

Being the commentator for Canadian Canoe kayaking in Beijing when he knew nothing about the the sport and the funny story of how he became an expert in fifteen minutes.

Turning up to the Olympic Stadium in 2012 to call the women’s shot put final for SKY, knowing Valerie Adams was only ever going to win a silver medal.

In 2003 Mark went on a training camp to the Corromandel with Hamish Cater, Bevan Docherty and Cameron Brown. His observations from that camp are compelling and provide a window and insight into why Hamish Carter won Olympic gold in Athens.

Mark will disclose the subtleties of talk-back radio while lifting the lid on one of the most cutthroat industries there is. He will take you on a journey of outlandish moments on Radio Sport and Newstalk ZB including the bits you don't get to hear and tell you about his most memorable interviews with some of the biggest names in sport both here in New Zealand and overseas.

Through his experiences in sport he can provide you or your business a insight into what separates good athletes from great athletes and how these same principles can be applied in business and everyday life.

If you want a good laugh then you have to go no further than Mark telling you about the time he agreed to fight cricketer Jesse Ryder on the under-card of the Shane Cameron v Monty Barrett fight. What does it feel like stepping into the boxing ring knowing there is a good chance you are going to get knocked out?

As an MC, Mark has the ability to customise his style according to the the event, the demographic of the audience, brand or theme that is asked of him.He is very good on his feet and is very witty and intelligent in his delivery. He has vast experience,having MC-ed Business Conferences,Diners, Awards Evenings, Fundraisers or local club events. Whether Mark is your next MC, Motivational Speaker or After Diner Speaker, he will enhance your next event.Contact Mark directly for a quote or go through Jim Hainey at Speakers New Zealand

To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.
— Steve Prefontain

 Hire Mark for your next event

If you want that "Winning Edge", that point of difference or simply want to be entertained then you should have Mark Watson at your next event. Mark can talk on a wide variety of subjects and experience and will customise them to meet the needs and message your organisation, business or club wishes to convey.