Mark Watson Media

Podcast Creation


Pod casts are the way of the future when it comes to internal or external communication. Podcasts allow the user to communicate their message on their terms and in the style that best fits their personality or the brand of the organisation.


Podcast s can be sent internally/ externally to all employees, stakeholders and customers via email, uploaded onto social media and media platforms such as ITunes or simply uploaded onto your business website.

Mark with his ten years’ experience in radio along with his associates (professional broadcasters) will help you and your business to produce a quality podcast that is clear, concise and easily disseminated. We will sit down with you and get a clear understanding of what it you want and the message you want communicated and then set up an interview situation with professional hosts. We will offer professional advice to you and your team on communication techniques to ensure that you project your voice or voices to ensure you get immediate buy in from your audience. 

We would be delighted to sit down with you and your team to discuss various ideas around how best to use podcasts as a communication medium or as a marketing strategy. We also offer visual services which we can discuss as well. Please don’t hesitate in contacting us.

Communication and communication strategy is not just part of the game - it is the game
— Oscar Munoz

 Want to know more?

Get in touch with Mark today.